Every workplace strives to create their own culture, most end up having two. One, what they are working to achieve. Two, what they actually end up having.

Office culture is often developed by the organizational hierarchical structure and the people in it. Office politics on the other hand, is the intangible ‘asset’ of that organization.

Sometimes, however, when office politics starts to get in your way of work, you often feel demotivated.

Here are 7 tips to deal with office politics.

  1. There is neutral ground. Find it, and avoid taking sides.
  2. Know your own goals. Work for it, not for someone else’s agenda.
  3. Know your network and build trusted connections. You’ll never know who might become a helping hand.
  4. Don’t make it personal. It’s work – let it remain work.
  5. Don’t jump into conclusions. Gather factual information.
  6. Stay humble. Aim to get ‘win-win’ in all matters.
  7. People talk. Let your work be louder than the rumors.

In the end it’s all about ‘people skills’ and ‘communication’. Always try to actively change the culture within your circle of influence, regardless if you are at the top of the organizational hierarchy or at the bottom of it, to a more positive and ethical environment. And if worse comes, at least you be satisfied that you tried your very best.

And as Cal Newport aptly said “Be so good they can’t ignore you.”



Photo Credit: VisualHunt.com

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